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For Founders
Being a Founder is tough, from finding product market fit to building up a killer team. We’ve rounded up the most frequently asked topics and written our take on them here.
What You Always Wanted to Know About Samaipata But Never Asked
One of the things that makes being a VC so fascinating is that big part of our job is to ask questions and learn from exceptional entrepreneurs.
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Defensibility in Digital Platforms
The main driver of long-term value creation. “Would you invest in a marketplace in the absence of network effects?” A tricky question I was recently asked by David Pritchard, a marketplace founder (OpenTable Europe) at an event we, at Samaipata, organised in London
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Samaipata Analyses La Nevera Roja's Deck
In 2011, I co-founded La Nevera Roja, a food delivery marketplace that was sold to Rocket Internet 40 months after launch for ~$100 Million*, becoming one of the few so-called Centaurus in the short history of Southern European Venture Capital (A startup worth $100 million or more).
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Filecoin - How Blockchain Is Changing the Game for Marketplaces
The last few months have shown us the astonishing pace at which the global decentralized markets have evolved. Here at Samaipata, we’ve had a close eye on the technology, and we acknowledge that the blockchain will change the funding scene, both for venture capitals as for startups.
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An Overview of VC Funding in Blockchain Technology
With blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies in particular, having recently become the subject of major media attention, it seems fit to explore the role of venture capital in the decentralized market.
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The Node Saturation Strategy for Online Marketplaces
When we talk about saturating nodes, we essentially refer to an approach or strategy that enables marketplaces to obtain liquidity in an efficient manner.
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Samaipata Ventures Framework for Marketplaces: Madrid Edition #1yearin1hour
We work 24/7 to stay on top of the fast-moving ecosystem, and it’s through these efforts that we’ve come up with a so-called ‘framework for marketplaces’, which is essentially a synopsis of our humble view on this phenomenal business model.
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How to Build a Seed to Series A Business Plan for your Disruptive E-commerce
Today we bring an especially useful one for disruptive e-commerce models (we call them dis-commerce). So if you have a marketplace hold on, we’ll share one for you pretty soon!
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Still a Long Way to Go in FoodTech
A few weeks ago Techcrunch reminded us of something important: there is still a 210 billion dollar opportunity in the food tech market.
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